High-Value Leads.

Next-Generation Pre-Qualification Solution for Unmatched Sales Success.

Dealer Alchemist’s Credit is designed to enhance your online vehicle shopping experience by providing comprehensive pre-qualification solutions. Capture high-value leads and increase your sales closing percentage with our innovative platform, tailored to meet your dealership’s unique needs.

Efficient Lead Management

Increased Lead Opportunities

Capture high-value pre-qualified leads that are ready to buy, increasing your sales closing percentage.

Advanced Reporting

Gain insights into lead performance and campaign success with robust reporting features.

Customizable Solutions

Dealer-Branded Customization

Maintain your brand’s identity with customizable features and programmable success pages.

Marketing Content Integration

Enhance your marketing efforts with integrated content that appeals to your target audience.

Versatile Communications

Enhanced Communication Features

Utilize advanced communication methods to engage with leads and increase conversion rates.

Multiple Implementation Methods

Easily integrate Credit into any online consumer form or use our pre-built lead system.

Comprehensive Reporting

Complete Consumer Credit Information:

Access a full consumer credit file, including identity and address verification, employment details, and account history.

Fraud/Risk Alerts

Stay ahead with fraud and risk alerts, ensuring the integrity of your leads.

Budget Transparency?
Dealer Alchemist can help.

Today’s technology makes it feasible for your inventory to be visible to every person in your market at any time they’re looking to purchase.

Is your digital advertising provider leveraging technology and automation while humans monitor the critical dials, levers, and adjustments to prevent leaks and wasted spending?

Do a FREE Audit Today to Find Your Wasted Advertising Spend.

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