Automotive OTT and CTV: Dealership Advertising In The Age of Streaming

A golden opportunity for dealerships to reach potential customers in new and effective ways.

With the advent of Over The Top (OTT) media and Connected TV (CTV), car dealerships are presented with a unique opportunity to revamp their marketing strategies. On a recent Automotive Alchemy podcast episode, Jeff Clark from Dealer Alchemist shares insights on how precision advertising in the age of streaming is changing the game for automotive sales.

It’s clear that the shift from traditional cable to streaming services has made a significant impact on advertising approaches. ‘Cord cutters’, or those who have moved away from traditional cable, are now embracing ad-supported streaming content, presenting a golden opportunity for dealerships to reach potential customers in new and effective ways.

Clark emphasizes the importance of personalized messaging, steering away from the traditional vanity metrics like Cost Per Mille (CPM) and instead focusing on targeted ads that drive actual sales. He notes that while traditional media still plays a role, it’s essential for dealerships to have a balanced approach in this changing market. The key lies in smartly reinvesting marketing dollars to engage with the modern consumer effectively, which requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior and strategic timing and placement of ads.

Addressing the challenge of marketing fraud, the episode dives into the importance of making informed investments in media that yields verifiable results. It’s crucial for dealerships to engage in a consultative dialogue with experts to ensure that their advertising budgets are not just spent, but spent wisely.

The future of automotive marketing technology is also a topic of discussion. Dealers are encouraged to embrace new technologies and allocate budgets for experimental marketing, anticipating the continuous evolution of digital advertising. OTT and CTV are likened to a fish finder for marketers, providing the tools to locate and engage with consumers more effectively.

Lastly, the episode touches on the importance of transparency in combating fraud within the advertising realm. Clark shares his views on the ease of ad creation with automation tools and the creative approaches by brands like Toyota to support their dealerships. He stresses the need for education, asking the right questions, and working with data partners to tailor messages to the consumer market.

As the automotive industry gears up for the future, this podcast episode is a roadmap for dealerships looking to navigate the digital landscape of car dealership marketing successfully. It’s a testament to the power of strategic thinking and adaptation in the face of technological advancements. The insights shared by Jeff Clark are a timely reminder of the importance of being proactive, precise, and innovative in automotive marketing strategies.

The takeaways from this episode are clear: embrace the digital transformation, invest in targeted advertising, and remain vigilant against fraud. With these guiding principles, automotive dealerships can expect to drive their marketing efforts towards greater success and efficiency in the era of streaming media.

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