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Digital Dominance in Automotive Marketing

The automotive industry is witnessing a paradigm shift towards digital marketing. This change is underscored by Shean Kirin’s observation, “99% of people look online before they purchase a car.” This statistic clearly indicates where marketing efforts and budgets should be concentrated.

Given the overwhelming trend towards online research, Kirin suggests a strategic reallocation of resources towards digital channels. “There’s no reason not to put money into digital,” he states. While traditional methods like direct mail campaigns may have their place, the focus is increasingly on digital avenues.

The shift to digital marketing isn’t just about following where the audience is. It’s about optimizing the marketing spend for better returns. Kirin highlights the ultimate goal of achieving a lower cost per vehicle sold. This approach underscores the importance of efficiency and effectiveness in marketing, especially in a consumer environment that heavily leans towards digital.

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