Why Investing in Your Marketing Strategy is Essential for Business Growth

Are You Bringing Enough Chips to the Table?

The game of poker teaches us a valuable lesson: you need enough chips to play. It’s a principle that applies to card tables and the business world, particularly in marketing.

Consider this scenario: a dealership with a vast addressable market within a 17-mile radius, totaling over $80,000 in potential spending. Now, some might balk at the idea of investing such a large sum upfront. But here’s the reality check: if you’re confident in selling cars, you’d write that check without hesitation.

Yet, what often happens in the marketing landscape is a cautious approach. Dealers test the waters with modest budgets, hoping to see results before committing more funds. The problem? A disconnect between investment and impact.

If the barrier of entry for dominance in your market is $30,000, but you’re only investing $5,000 or $8,000, there’s a glaring mismatch. It’s akin to bringing a pocketful of coins to a high-stakes poker game.

So, what’s the solution? It’s simple: reassess your strategy. If you’re not allocating enough resources to make a meaningful impact, it’s time to reevaluate. Redirect those funds to areas where they can generate tangible results.

I understand the reluctance to lose clients or cede ground to competitors. But sometimes, the best move is to acknowledge when you’re underfunded and take action to rectify it.

Remember, in the marketing game, just like in poker, you must bring enough chips to the table to win big.

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