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Shifting from VLA to Performance Max Ads

Shean delves into the evolution of vehicle listing ads (VLAs), highlighting a significant shift in their management. Initially, VLAs were a distinct ad type, allowing for straightforward optimization strategies focused on either maximizing clicks or conversions. This simplicity enabled dealers to set up VLAs for conversions and let them run effectively.

However, integrating VLAs into Google’s Performance Max ads has complicated this once-clear approach. With this merge, the budget previously allocated exclusively to VLAs is now distributed across the varied facets of Performance Max. This change presents a new challenge: understanding and adapting to a more complex advertising ecosystem where VLAs are just a part of a broader, more intricate strategy.

This development necessitates a deeper comprehension of Performance Max’s workings and a more nuanced approach to budget allocation, ensuring that VLAs continue to perform effectively within this expanded advertising framework.

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