Digital Dominance in Automotive Marketing

When considering the cost-effectiveness of vehicle listing ads (VLAs), it’s essential to evaluate the quality of management services, especially those offered at seemingly low rates like $200 a month. Shean raises a critical question: Can such a small investment truly cover the time and effort needed to effectively manage and optimize a VLA campaign? For a mere $200, it’s unlikely that an advertising agency will dedicate significant time to analyzing and understanding your data, which

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Turning Views into Value

Shean Kirin offers a vital tip for car dealerships looking to enhance their digital advertising: pay close attention to ad engagement time. He advises, “If ad engagement time is less than five to ten seconds, it’s likely not effective.

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#1050 On The 2023 INC 5000 Fastest-Growing Private Companies


"We are honored to be recognized by Inc.5000 for the second consecutive year. Our team's hard work, creativity, and dedication to our clients have made this achievement possible. We remain committed to delivering exceptional service and innovative solutions to the automotive industry."

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Every dealership is unique, so your advertising solution should be too.